Snowflake SQL ETL Developer 44 views

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Job Description

Nice To Have:
experience with data migration

Job Summary:
An Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) developer needs to design, build, test, and maintain databases. An ETL developer is an important part of the development team who tests, designs, and debugs the entire database system before it is implemented.

Primary Responsibilities:
Coordinate with ETL team to implement all ETL procedures for all new projects and maintain effective awareness of all production activities according to required standards and provide support to all existing applications.
Perform tests and provide updates to all ETL activities within schedule and provide support to all large data volumes and assist in data processing.
Documents all technical and system specifications documents for all ETL processes and perform unit tests on all processes and prepare required programs and scripts.
Analyze and interpret all complex data on all target systems and analyze and provide resolutions to all data issues and coordinate with data analysts to validate all requirements, perform interviews with all users and developers.
Perform tests and validate all data flows and prepare all ETL processes according to business requirements and incorporate all business requirements into all design specifications.
Perform root cause analysis on all processes and resolve all production issues and validate all data and perform routine tests on databases and provide support to all ETL applications.
Develop and perform tests on all ETL codes for system data and analyze all data and design all data mapping techniques for all data models in systems.
Provide support to all ETL schedules and maintain compliance to the same and develop and maintain various standards to perform ETL codes and maintain an effective project life cycle on all ETL processes.

Strong proficiency with database technologies such as Oracle, DB2, SQL, and variation among popular databases
Experience using ETL tools to perform data cleansing, data profiling transforming, and scheduling various workflows
Employ relation database best practices
Ability to plan resource requirements from high-level specifications
Capable of troubleshooting common database issues

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